Sunday, 27 June 2010

baby steps / giant leaps

barometric meet on monday to discuss future of ESCAPE VELOCITY (bye bye bye) and our project at september's THEATRESOUK on bond street.

items on the agenda include:
-- how to co-opt lance bass into our piece
-- the LIVING ROOM TOUR (you heard right...)
-- making a site-specific (?), accumulative (?), installation-based (?), one-on-one (?) show that lasts for 5 weeks

watch this SPACE (aha.)

Monday, 14 June 2010

bits shown

thanks to everyone who came out to see us at SHOW US YOUR BITS last night - we had a terrific night, and hopefully you did too!

your feedback on (and reaction to) ESCAPE VELOCITY (bye bye bye) has answered a lot of the questions we had about the piece, and opened up some interesting avenues for its development - invaluable at this stage in the process. so thanks for that as well.

it was an interesting night for us, in terms of the material we didn't get to - the mission was very light in tone compared to some we've rehearsed, as the exercises we weren't able to attempt were G-FORCE ACCLIMATIZATION, SELF-WORTH ASSESSMENT, and SPACE DEMENTIA PRECAUTIONS, and they are all comparatively high-risk, physically and emotionally. it'll be interesting to see what reaction another run throws up. we imagine it will be quite, quite different.

we'll still be working hard on the piece (obviously), so watch this SPACE for details of other scratches and work-in-progress showings, as well as details on our upcoming installation/performance/godknowswhat at THEATRE SOUK this september. we'd love to see you again, and maybe we'll get 6 out of 10.

thanks to getinthebackofthevan, the roundhouse, and alex from ground control,

barometric OUT.